logo image for rachelrandel.com pioneer in fields of animal communication, metaphysical and shamanic practice for animals transforming health and behavior by clearing trauma at its root. Pets and Farm Animals walking out of labyrinth toward lotus, image of enlightenment. cat dog horse donkey parrot llama ostrich turkey chicken sheep goat pig tortoise iguana koi rabbit ferret duck

behavior . health . wellbeing

Rachel Randel pioneer animal communicator, metaphysical and shamanic practitioner and a kahu

40 years pioneering in the fields of animal communication, metaphysical and shamanic practice for animals

contact me

Three cats look at the laptop screen ready to fill out the contact form for Rachel Randel animal communicator. Three cats lie in front of the laptop and carefully look at the screen.


I truly welcome and honor your reaching out here, please feel free to use this form.

I’m usually very good about responding within 48 hours.

If your need to reach me is more pressing, please use the call or text button in the right corner of the menu bar at the top of the page.

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domestic goat with other goats and sheep wanting you to use this contact form