logo image for rachelrandel.com pioneer in fields of animal communication, metaphysical and shamanic practice for animals transforming health and behavior by clearing trauma at its root. Pets and Farm Animals walking out of labyrinth toward lotus, image of enlightenment. cat dog horse donkey parrot llama ostrich turkey chicken sheep goat pig tortoise iguana koi rabbit ferret duck

behavior . health . wellbeing

Rachel Randel pioneer animal communicator, metaphysical and shamanic practitioner and a kahu

40 years pioneering in the fields of animal communication, metaphysical and shamanic practice for animals

are you kahu?

Snowshoe cat and white and tan dog looking out from blanket, are you their kahu. Animal Communication.

Huna (or Ho’omana: Hawaiian spiritual belief) sees the relationship between us and the animals we care for as something blessed that far transcends the traditional term of pet owner. You are their Kahu. You are guardian, caretaker, protector, beloved of a precious being of sentience. As Kahu your role is not just one of typical care for a companion animal, but a sacred responsibility for something deeply precious, for their well-being, their souls. The deep spiritual connection that Kahu bestows is so profound it is thought that you are not only caring for them, you are actually caring for a part of your soul, for you and they are One.

Welcome Kahu

Yes, welcome. Truly. As a 40 year pioneer in the field of animal communication I welcome you to a new way of looking at behavior and health issues in our animals. Whether you’re already on an alternative path seeking aligned assistance for your animal family or this is all new to you. Quite possibly, your animals have guided you here, calling you to open this door, not just for them, but for you, too. That’s how it all began, more than 40 years ago, for me…

In my first apartment, I was given a little terripoo pup by my parents. The sounds he made when not getting his way, earned him the name Chewbacca. He was equally adorable and intelligent.

Sadly, he also came with a series of health and behavior issues including epilepsy. It was overwhelming. One day I came home after a particularly hard day at work to yet another issue and dropped to my knees crying for some new way to help him and me.

A few days later, on the table at my chiropractor, it just all came out, laced with tears and some pretty powerful emotions. My amazingly gifted and loving chiropractor, who as a child had many times sat at the feet of the Yogananda, gently said, bring him in. And so began my journey on this path…

Oh, and Chewbacca, he lived into his early 20s and became one of my most powerful teachers and allies.I 

It’s really important to me that you know that this is a safe space.
So, ask questions, speak your mind, tell your truth. Allow your animals to do the same.
Know I will.
It’s imperative to any work we may do, to your healing, to their healing, to their very being. 

Your healing? What does that have to do with the issues your dog, cat, horse or … are experiencing? There is a depth of understanding this work will bring to you about them and you. It has been one of my life’s treasures to watch how that filters into the daily lives of my clients, impacting them and their animals in some wonderfully positive ways. Isn’t that healing, too? Remember, the oneness of Kahu: You heal, they heal; They heal, you heal. 

Be Different...for your animals

I confess, I’ve always been an outside the box kinda soul. I spent years trying to hide it and it just eeked out anyway… Oops. So, these days, I just own it.

Part of that owning is how I’ve gone about presenting this website: no mailing lists asking you to sign up for some fantastic sounding course or article that ends up being nothing new; no empty marketing based calls to action; no testimonials from people you don’t know and may have nothing in common with, but, are expected to be the answer to whether this work is what you seek. None of that…

So, have a look around. See how it feels and take your time… We don’t do rushed here, it’s a seemingly required part of life now that robs us, and surely robs our animals, of what’s real and needed. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me here.

As you wander here, keep these thoughts in mind: this is your life and that of your animals; your path and that of your animals; your work and that of your animals. Go beyond the surface. Let your inner compass show you whether this is the right avenue for you, for them.

As you read and ponder, watch and observe them. See if you notice any thing different in how they are responding to you reading this, rejecting that, resonating with this… If you are open and allow, they WILL show you.

This is about you and your animals and what resonates for all of you. The material and the energy that’s here (my voice, my truth), calling you to go deep, to listen, to trust. Me? Nooo. YOU! And, most importantly, YOUR ANIMALS.

blue fronted amazon looking like a Buddha

From the very beginning all beings are by nature Buddha
Rinzai Zen Master Hakuin